Keep the notebook running when the lid is closed

Recently i repurposed my old Lenovo P50 (2 x 1TB SSD, i7-6820, 64 GB RAM) to become my 'personal' proxmox-cluster.

Had one little annoyance: closing the lid causes the P50 to go into sleep mode - not that helpful, because you usually don't work directly on the prox..

Long story short - after searching the web a very simple and smart solution:

First let's look at the acpi table

root@pve:~# cat /proc/acpi/wakeup | grep "LID"
LID       S4    *enabled   platform:PNP0C0D:00

Nice, now let's disable this one - dry run in the shell:

echo 'PNP0C0D:00' | tee /sys/bus/acpi/drivers/button/unbind

And close the lid. Your prox is still available? Goood!
Final step: Create a file (if it does not exist..) /etc/rc.local, add the command from above with a little yada.

echo 'PNP0C0D:00' | tee /sys/bus/acpi/drivers/button/unbind
exit 0

Save it, make it x-able - reboot, test - should work.

Flickering backlight on Lenovo Laptop-Displays

Recently I reinstalled kali on my X270 - and sometimes the backlight was flickering.
A short search showed me that this issue is known, for windows you would have to do some yadayada with removing drivers whilst in savemode and that.

As I'm not using Windows - at least the information about the driver was helpful: it's the intel i915 stuff. Continued to search, I found a possible solution, tried it: success.

So: If you're experiencing something similar, first thing to do:

  • open a shell as root
  • check cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_edp_psr_status for PSR mode: enabled
  • change /etc/default/grub' : GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="[..] i915.enable_psr=0 [..]"
  • reinstall / reconfigure grub
  • reboot (logoff isn't enough, as the kernel cmd line params are only read on boot)
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